Give it a go and  employ  yourself

Self-employment is not for everyone. But you know what? You can just give it a go without commitments. So go ahead and test it out. It might just be the best decision of your life.

Step 1 Seize the opportunity

Hahmo kantaa pilviä ja erilaisia aurinkolaseja

You have skills and abilities that can help you employ yourself. At its simplest, self-employment can mean offering services within your circle: walking dogs or mowing neighbors’ lawns.

Aurinkolasipäinen koira ohjaa oikeaan suuntaan
Hahmo kantaa pilviä ja erilaisia aurinkolaseja

Step 2 Add up your operating expenses

hahmo pesee banaaneja saippualla pesuvadissa

Find out what expenses and fees you need to prepare for (for example VAT, the value added tax).


You forget that VAT is not your money.

hahmo pesee banaaneja saippualla pesuvadissa

Step 3 Don’t undersell your work

Pricing determines how much compensation you get from your work. Find out the fair price for your services.


You price yourself out of the game. It's hard to raise prices afterwards.

Step 4 Consider whether you need financing to start your operations

Hahmo puhuu puhelimessa, mutta puhelimen tilalla on banaani

Find out what start-up grant is and what the requirements are for obtaining it. Or could you apply for a loan?


You apply for a start-up grant once you have already started your business or its marketing.

Hahmo puhuu puhelimessa, mutta puhelimen tilalla on banaani

Step 5 Where to find customers?

Hahmo tutkii banaania suurennuslasilla

Think about who needs your services and how you could sell it to them.


You are not making enough noise about your business.
Your services do not meet the demand.

Hahmo tutkii banaania suurennuslasilla

Step 6 Part-time or full-time?

Hahmo harjaa hevosta, jolla on siivet

Your operations can be small-scale and part-time. There are various ways to employ yourself, such as using an invoicing service (e.g., Ukko, Free, Eezy), working in a cooperative, buying an existing business, or registering your own company. Being a full-time entrepreneur requires more planning.

Hahmo harjaa hevosta, jolla on siivet

Step 7 How to get paid?

Koira kaivaa kuopasta rahaa

You should receive compensation for your work, but you also have to pay taxes on that income. If you use an invoicing service, payments, taxes, and bookkeeping can be easily managed through it.


Your bookkeeping is sloppy.

Koira kaivaa kuopasta rahaa

Step 8 How to move forward?

Hahmo pitää terapiaistuntoa aurinkolasipäiselle koiralle

If you want to expand your operations, you will need more help. So go ask a pro! There’s plenty of free information and advice around, so just call a business advisor.

Hahmo pitää terapiaistuntoa aurinkolasipäiselle koiralle

Step 9 This wasn't your thing?

Aurinkolasipäinen koira hyppelehtii iloisesti

No worries, because you can stop your business or part-time entrepreneurship anytime. Just pack up and try the next thing.

Aurinkolasipäinen koira hyppelehtii iloisesti